In honor of my new best friend that doesn't know I'm alive yet (
cough cough ardsaleYay eenQuay), I ventured out to a community sale this morning, as I often do this time of year, and got some freaking fantastic stuff.
Since I am building myself a new office downstairs, I have been in the market for furniture, lamps, pictures, etc. I was able to find a few things off my list. One lady had 2 black torch lamps that became mine for a mere $4 apiece.

I then found a gorgeous black lamp with an exquisite shade. The lamp was HEAVY, and really well-made (it really does pay to yardsale in expensive neighborhoods). The shade alone was probably $40 - $50 bucks, and I estimated the lamp base was probably in the $30 - $40 neighborhood, as well.
The lamp was initially marked $20, which was a steal, but since I am NEVER above haggling, I offered a tenner. We settled on $15 and the lamp was mine. Booyah!

I plan to set up a coffee kitchen next to my new office, and I was very excited to see these Pfaltzgraf coffee cups for 25 cents each. Even at the Pfaltzgraf outlets, these cups usually run somewhere around $6 apiece (I have collected this pottery for years, and can spot it a mile away). The lady had NO IDEA what she had, nor chould she do math very well, because she accepted $1.50 for all seven.

I also got a large Ansel Adams black framed print of an evening sky (really nicely framed with glass) for 3 bucks, and that same lady had a pretty set of barware glasses for 50 cents each, along with a funky set of wine bottle candleholders (we plan to put a bar downstairs, too.) Score!

Last but not least, the children made out like bandits. The Boy used his money wisely and purchased a Darth Tater Mr. Potato Head for a mere buck (still in the box) and a HUGE box of new Crayolas with a sharpener for ANOTHER buck.
Sweet girl and her friend scored a couple of purses from their favorite preteen store, Limited Too. The little purses usually run about $20 at the store, and they got these for a buck a pop. The girls very soon understood the value of a good yardsale.

Last, but not least, I scored a Rubbermaid tote full of Lincoln Logs for the boy for 5 smackers. Outside of the black lamp, this might have been the deal of the day.
EToys has the Lincoln log sets anywhere from $25 - $75 each, and I figured that we have at LEAST 2 large sets in this tote, maybe 3.
Hell, the TOTE costs nearly 5 bucks, so that was a great buy.

You know, a few years ago, this became a bit of an obsession for me . . . yardsaleing and EBaying. Today, I remembered why.
What a rush.
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